Thursday, December 11, 2014

Last Day of Poetry!!

December 11, 2014
Write a Reflection.
Consider the semester overall, for all of your classes, how did it go?

We will be going over the answers to the practice yesterday.
2.  Work It Out
Use this time to do get any work done for this class.

In general, what questions do you have about the final exam?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Poetry Practice!

December 10, 2014

E.Q: How do you create meaning?
Obj: I can analyze a poem and answer questions based on the ideas.
Concrete Poetry
 Try to write your own.
Don't forget that concrete poetry is when you put it into a shape/image.

Read the poem and answer the questions.
Make sure you answer all constructed response and multiple choice questions.
2.  Work It Out
Use this time to do get any work done for this class.


In general, what questions do you have about the final exam?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Poem Analysis

December 9, 2014

E.Q: What is the main idea of the poem?
Obj: I can analyze poems and find the main idea.

Collaborative Poem
Write one sentence on the top of a sheet of paper.
Pass the paper to your left.
Add On.

1.  Individually
The Snow Man

Pick two poems to analyze.
In a Google Doc annotate each stanza.
Then answer the following questions

A.  What is the objective summary of the poem?

B.  Which line best captures the main idea and why?

C.  What is the speaker's attitude?

D.  List a few examples of figurative language?
What does it represent?

E.  What is the overall tone and mood?

2.  NoRedInk
Please log in and go to my class.
Select one category from the following and answer all the questions.

Subject-Verb Agreement
Commonly Confused Words
In general, what questions do you have about the final exam?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Poetry Continued

December 8, 2014

E.Q: What is the main idea of the poem?
Obj: I can analyze poems and find the main idea.

Create your Blackout Poem
Grab a newspaper article from the table and blackout everything except a few words.
Look at the same examples on newspaperblackout for ideas.


1. Think Aloud 
Analyze Emily Dickinson's Poem

By The Sea

I started early, took my dog,
And visited the sea;
The mermaids in the basement
Came out to look at me,

And frigates in the upper floor
Extended hempen hands,
Presuming me to be a mouse
Aground, upon the sands.

But no man moved me till the tide
Went past my simple shoe,
And past my apron and my belt,
And past my bodice too,

And made as he would eat me up
As wholly as a dew
Upon a dandelion's sleeve —
And then I started too.

And he — he followed close behind;
I felt his silver heel
Upon my ankle, — then my shoes
Would overflow with pearl.

Until we met the solid town,
No man he seemed to know;
And bowing with a mighty look
At me, the sea withdrew.

2.  Individually

The Snow Man

Pick two poems to analyze.
In a Google Doc annotate each stanza.
Then answer the following questions

A.  What is the objective summary of the poem?

B.  Which line best captures the main idea and why?

C.  What is the speaker's attitude?

D.  List a few examples of figurative language?
What does it represent?

E.  What is the overall tone and mood?

In general, what questions do you have about the final exam?

Thursday, December 4, 2014


December 5, 2014

E.Q: Analyze the poem.
Obj: I can analyze poetry.

Please fill out the Poetry Google Form.



1.  Poetry Analysis

Today will be devoted to reviewing poetry.
At each table, you will be assigned a poem.
Individually, read the poem and annotate it.
When you are done annotating, write a brief summary of the meaning of the poem.

Things to Consider
Overall meaning
Figurative Language
 Next, you will compare notes with your table.
What did you have in common?
How did you interpret it differently?
Collaborate with each other for one coherent analysis.

Create a brief presentation to share with the class.


2.  Presentations
Inform the class on your poem.
Does the class agree with your analysis?
Why or why not?

What questions do you still have about poetry?


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Exam Answers/ NoRedInk

December 4, 2014

E.Q: How is this the best choice?
Obj: I can understand the logic behind the answers.

Make one of the charts below for yourself.
Create your own column of "Instead of" and "Try Thinking."
Don't psych yourself out!
You CAN do this!


We will go over the answers as a class.
We will work out the reasoning together.

2.  NoRedInk

Please create an account at NoRedInk.
The class code is 8dedewxd

Once you are logged in, it will ask you about your interests.
Be honest because the questions will be geared towards your personal interests.
Then, begin the assignment.
You have 30 questions to complete.



How many questions did you get correct on the exam?
What can you do to work towards 100%.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Released Exam

December 3, 2014

E.Q: How do you study?
Obj: I can tailor my studying to my individual needs.

How do you plan to prepare for the English III Final Exam?
Explain your strategies.
If you don't study, why?



Read the article and take Cornell Notes.
While reading, consider what pointers you may want to incorporate in your study regime.

2.  Released Exam
You will take last years final exam.
Please make sure to answer all of the multiple choice questions and constructed response.

We will go over the answers as a class.

Based on the information you gained from the article and exam, what is one thing that you now are definitely going to do to study?

Monday, December 1, 2014


December 2, 2014

E.Q: What are the areas I need most improvement in?
Obj: I can improve upon my literature through practice and corrections.

Your essay is due today.
Write a 1/2 page reflection on how your paper went.
What went well? What didn't?
What are you proud of?
What would you change?


1.  Benchmark Remediation
I will let you know the top two areas in which you need remediation.

For each question incorrect, paraphrase the reasoning it gives you.
You must make an 85%.

If you DID NOT finish the benchmark, YOU MUST FINISH THE BENCHMARK.
For your first attempt, for every question wrong please write a test correction.
What is that the correct answer and why?

2.  Finish Early?
Use the remaining time to finalize your essays.

I told you the areas in which you needed remediation, according to the most recent benchmark.
Personally, what is the one area that you would select for yourself?