Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Crucible, Act One

August 8, 2014

E.Q: How was fear present in Salem?
Obj: I can make a connection between fear and the text.


Predilection: An established preference for something.
This predilection for minding other people's business was time-honored among the people of Salem...(4).
I have a predilection for ________ because _______.

Citadel: 1. A fortress that commands a city and is used in the control of the inhabitants and in defense during attack or siege.
2. Any strongly fortified place; stronghold.
   ...and the Salem folk believed that the virgin forest was the Devil's last preserve, his home base and the citadel for the final stand (5).
 Your citadel is __________ because __________.

Theocracy: a form of government in which a country is ruled by religious leaders.
The people of Salem developed a theocracy (6).
True or False: We live in a theocracy.

Repression: the act of using force to control someone or something.
The witch-hunt was not, however, a mere repression (7).
I have been repressed when _______.

1.  Whisper
2.  Clapping
3.  Slowly   


1A.  Presentations
If we were unable to have all the groups present yesterday, we will finish the presentations now.

1B. The Milgram Experiment

Information on the experiment:
We are going to watch 2 different video clips.
One is from the 1960's and one is from 2009.
How do the behaviors seen in this video relate to fear? 
What do the people's actions in this experiment imply?

2.  Begin Reading Act One
 Pages 3-13

Mrs. Putnam 

 Stop at "A word about Thomas Putnam."

3.  Who Fears Who?
In Act One, we are introduced to numerous characters of the play.
It is important to establish each characters role in the play and their relationships with each other.
First, select one character that was introduced today.
Then, determine who/what they are afraid of.
In a TPEQEA paragraph, explain why you believe your selected person exhibits this fear.

Predict how the Milgram Experiment will relate to The Crucible.

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