Monday, September 22, 2014

What is the Theme?

September 23, 2014
E.Q: What is the theme of your story?
Obj: I can identify the theme.


Create a plot diagram.

Identify the exposition, conflict, and parts of the rising action.
Explain your reasoning for each in 1-2 sentences.
1.  Partner Read
59-64, 89-98
Black Boy
 82-83, 90-92, 100-101, 105-108

Native Son
84-87, 89-93, 104-106, 113-115
 2.  Looking at Theme

It is time to start thinking about what the theme of the story is. 
(Theme- main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly.)
 You will work individually on this to create your own meaning.
Step One: Reflect on the chunks you read earlier.  Write down the first three items that come to mind.

Step Two: Analyze the items you wrote down.  In a sentence or two, describe what these items have in common.  What relationship do they have with each other?

Step Three: Looking at the relationship amongst items listed, what is a possible theme?
Write a sentence explaining the theme.

Step Four: Locate one quote from the text that supports your theme.

Step Five: Write a TPEQEA paragraph expanding on what the theme is.
Use the quote from above and elaborate on it.

Step Six:  Illustrate what this looks like.
If you finish early, work on reading.

What step above helped you the most? 
The least?

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