Monday, September 8, 2014

Intolerance Socratic Seminar

September 9, 2014

E.Q: How does intolerance perpetuate history repeating itself?
Obj: I can articulate connections and listen to others.


Share your HOT questions.
Are they all HOT questions?
How could they be revised?

1.  Finish Reading Letter from Birmingham Jail
Pages 3-14

How does this relate to The Crucible?
How do these ideas perpetuate intolerance?
2.  Socratic Seminar
Consider the The Crucible, the Red Scare, the Holocaust, and the CR Movement.
How does intolerance enable history to repeat itself?

How can we make a change?

Each group will have 15-20 minutes in the inner circle.
With a partner, you will alternate between the inner and outer circle, observing each other.
Pay attention to how often the person speaks.
Do they ask HOT questions?
Do they support their claims with evidence?
Are they paying attention the whole time?

Use the form in step three to complete the evaluation.

This project is due Wednesday, September 17.
You will have Wednesday and Thursday to work on this in class.
Please write ONE positive and ONE delta for the overall seminar.

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