Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Socratic Seminar: Have we grown?

September 24, 2014

E.Q: Justify how our society has either improved, worsened, or stayed the same in terms of equality since the Civil Rights Movement.
Obj: I can use textual evidence to formulate a claim.

Yesterday you looked at the theme of your novel.
Connect this theme to todays society.
How is it present in your community? your life?

1.  Finishing Touches
Take five minutes to make any final adjustments to your six steps.
 Make sure that all steps are complete.

2.  Sharing
Get together with your literature groups.
With your peers, explain the theme you have identified.
Make sure to justify your rationale.

As each group member shares, take notes in your notebook.
List the theme and briefly summarize the reasoning.

3.  Collaboration
Create a collaborative theme.
Consider how all of your individual themes could work together to form one.
You will then share this with the class.

Evaluate the relationship between the three books.

4.  Socratic Seminar Prep

Justify how our society has either improved, worsened, or stayed the same in terms of equality since the Civil Rights Movement.

You must read ONE article from the past section and one from the present.
While reading take Cornell Notes.
For the seminar tomorrow you must include textual evidence.
It would be genius to start making not of those critical points.



  After reading come up with 3 HOT questions.

What did you learn about the theme of your book after working with your peers?

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